courses & workshops
Employee emotional well-being is an increasingly relevant and necessary business consideration.
Well-being and stress management issues fall within an employer's duty of care towards their employee.
But, beyond this, more and more employers recognise the benefits of addressing the emotional wellbeing of their staff and that this gives their business a competitive advantage. Ensuring staff are emotionally well reduces absenteeism rates and can have a positive effect on retention and recruitment of staff.

Other benefits:
increased productivity
time management
more positive working relationships
reduced sickness and absenteeism
improved morale
improved customer service
reduced staff turnover
Facts, statistics and references can be found on the bottom of this page
Stress is a key factor in employee well-being but it is an often misunderstood phenomenon and is predominately seen as negative. Learning how to recognise, manage, harness and talk about stress is essential to preventing employees feeling overwhelmed or burning-out.
The practice of mindfulness is now widely used in the workplace as a way of managing emotions and reducing stress and anxiety. My courses introduce mindfulness offering practical tools to integrate the practice into everyday life.
Wellbeing at work is very closely linked to wellbeing and health in life generally. Many factors influence the emotional wellbeing of staff including stresses of work. But also pressures not directly related to the job may ‘leak’ in impacting performance and effectiveness. No matter what the cause when wellbeing is eroded, people can get sick, mentally and physically. The courses and workshops I deliver teach valuable life skills to enhance wellbeing inside and outside the workplace. This ultimately benefits the employer but it also communicates that the employer cares about the employee as a person.
Some of the courses and workshops I deliver are detailed below. Other topics include;

Effective Communication in Families
Emotional Intelligence
How to be Happy
Becoming a Better Team Player
Learning to Relax
Relationship Development
Change Management
Initiating Difficult Conversations
Delivering Effective Feedback
Stress Awareness & Resilience Building
1.5 - 2 hour workshop
Stress is neither good nor bad, the effect is determined by how we handle it
Recognising common signs and symptoms of stress
Recognising your own personal warning signs and limits
Learn practical skills for building stress resilience
Identify good and poor coping strategies
How to support your colleagues during stressful times

Mindfulness & Mindful Living - a taster
1.5 hour workshop
Understand what Mindfulness is... and isn’t!
Understand how Mindfulness, although not a relaxation technique, can bring calm and counteract the stress response.
Discover how Mindfulness helps us manage unwanted thoughts and emotional reactions and stay focused and balanced.
Learn ‘Mindful Living’ skills which you can incorporate into everyday life.
In this session you will benefit from a number of short guided practices to experience mindfulness meditation and other mindfulness practices.

The Art of Time Management
1.5 - 2hr workshop
The simple truth is that time is a finite, limited resource that is not, in itself, manageable. Time management is all about learning to manage yourself with regard to time.
In this workshop we will explore and evaluate various time management tips, practices, skills and tools to help you design your personal time management system. We’ll learn about the characteristics of effective time managers and also what practices repeatedly trip us up. By managing your time more effectively you will improve productivity and feel less stressed and overwhelmed. You’ll have greater control of your day and enjoy more success, fulfillment and personal satisfaction in your business and personal life.

Balancing Work & Life
1.5 - 2hr workshop
It often feels that work and life are off balance. Without balance work suffers, home suffers and you suffer!. It's a daily challenge to juggle all those things that are important and it can feel impossible to maintain the delicate balance required to keep things ticking over.
In this session we will explore what are the barriers to achieving balance. How you spend your time is a reflection of what you think you SHOULD do. We will identify behaviors that support or sabotage you and look at the impact of the choices we make. We will review some tools and exercises, such as Wheel of Life & daily routines logs and time management grids, which can help identify your personal barriers and define next steps.
Communication: Active Listening Skills
2 hour workshop
Listening is key to all effective communication
Uncovering the qualities that make someone a good listener – and what gets in the way!
Understanding that listening is an essential skill that doesn’t come naturally
Assessment of personal listening skills
5 components of effective listening
The importance of nonverbal communication

Communication: Understanding Assertiveness
1.5 - 2hr workshop
Understanding the key communication styles and the core beliefs that underlie them
Gain insight into your own communication style
Understanding Assertiveness and why we often do not communicate assertively
Learn how to be assertive
Introduce 3 Assertiveness techniques
Workplace Wellbeing Statistics
50% of Irish businesses consider stress and mental health a priority in their workplace.
90% of employers agree that employee health and wellbeing has a direct effect on productivity BUT
84% of Irish businesses do not have a wellness policy or wellness program in place.
Over half of Irish employees report feeling negative in their work environment a similar number felt anxious or stressed.
Work-related stress is the second most frequently reported work-related health problem in Europe.
50–60% of all lost working days can be attributed to work-related stress.
Approximately 40% of workers think that stress is not handled well in their workplace.
A positive and proactive approach to mental wellbeing results in reduced absenteeism and attrition and greater productivity - the benefits outweigh the costs.
"The business case is clear: preventing and managing psychosocial risks ... will lead to a healthy and productive workforce, reduced absenteeism and .... improved retention of workers ..... the benefits to the business outweigh the costs of implementation".
Productivity between happy and unhappy employees can range from 10% - 50%.
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5-7 European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
9. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
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